Thursday, April 16, 2009

The Reason Prop 8 Passed

By B. Miller

I don’t live in California but if I did I would have rejoiced when Proposition 8 was passed last year. For those who don’t know, Prop 8 made gay marriage illegal throughout the state of California. You see, most people who have a shred of decent values realize that homosexuality is a mental illness or simply a decision made by one who usually has other issues. It’s a horrible problem that should be addressed by the medical industry. However, because of politics, this abnormality is accepted as “normal” by many people. Combine the misdiagnosis of psychology with the “cool” kids networks like MTV and homosexuality has become a glorified lifestyle that many people emulate in an attempt to find acceptance amongst their peers. 

A majority of those who decide to be gay and especially those who decide to be bi-sexual are disgusting, immoral people who should be shunned by society unless they attempt to seek help for their disorder. Take a look at any gay pride parade and you’ll find that gay’s perversion, drug use and lack of respect for themselves is on display for all to see.

Further proof of this has been on display shortly after Proposition 8 passed. First, homosexuals “defecated and vandalized” Mormon churches and then went on to harass those who had donated to the Proposition 8 campaign. They’ve also attempted to blame black voters for the loss yet this “group” would claim that they are a tolerant bunch of people. If anything, we’ve proven that homosexuals are bigots themselves, attacking those who would disagree with their point of view.

The fact of the matter is that the “gay lifestyle” is simply not a positive one. It spreads disease, immorality and drug use. Decent people of all religions, races and walks of life simply understand that it is something that should not be supported. This is why the people of California voted Yes on Proposition 8. That’s also why a majority of States have decided that gay marriage should be illegal.

In conclusion we find that those who decide to practice a queer lifestyle are very confused people who typically have rather unsavory practices. Instead of seeking help for what is obviously a mental illness, they contribute to downfall of society. So, what should we do about this problem? Simply this: bi-sexuals, gays and lesbians need to either seek help for their condition or get back into the closet.
